News and Events
Services de santé de Chapleau Health Services Among Northeastern
Ontario Hospitals Going Digital
Chapleau, ON (May 22, 2024) – Chapleau Health’s electronic medical records will be available to authorized healthcare clinicians at 23 partner hospitals throughout Northeastern Ontario, announced Dawn Morissette, CEO, Services de santé de Chapleau Health Services. The digital health upgrade will make health care delivery more efficient by reducing duplicate testing and repeating medical histories, and prevent medical errors by providing clinicians with the information they need to make informed care decisions.
"A patient should only have one medical record, accessed at the right points in their healthcare journey. As our small, rural and remote hospital is highly dependent on other hospitals, for more complex testing and specialist care, knowing a patient's chart will now essentially travel with them throughout northeastern Ontario, adds an element of comfort for our providers and our patients" say Morissette.
The ONE (one person, one record, one system) initiative is a northeast region-wide project to improve the delivery of health care through the creation of a single electronic health information system (HIS). The primary goal of this initiative is to enhance safe, evidence-based care through the implementation of technology such as Meditech Expanse.
"June will be an exciting month, as we go live with our new system" predicts Morissette. Getting ready for this change was the work of our amazing team for over 18 months. We ask for the understanding of our patients and visitors as we get used to this new system, new software and new way of doing thing. Wait times in the Emergency Department, for the Laboratory, X-Ray and Ultrasound may be a little longer than usual, but well worth the wait! We appreciate the support and patience of our staff and patients."
ONE Health Information Technology Systems hospitals are:
Bingham Memorial Hospital, Matheson
Blanche River Health, Englehart and Kirkland Lake
Espanola Regional Hospital and Health Centre
Health Sciences North, Sudbury
Hôpital Mattawa Hospital
Hôpital Notre-Dame Hospital, Hearst
Hornepayne Community Hospital
Lady Dunn Health Centre, Wawa
Lady Minto Hospital, Cochrane
Manitoulin Health Centre, Little Current, Mindemoya
North Bay Regional Health Centre
Sault Area Hospital
Sensenbrenner Hospital, Kapuskasing
Services de santé de Chapleau Health Services
Smooth Rock Falls Hospital
St. Joseph's General, Elliot Lake
Temiskaming Hospital, Temiskaming Shores
Timmins and District Hospital
Weeneebayko Area Health Authority,
Attawapiskat, Fort Albany and Moose Factory
West Nipissing General Hospital, Sturgeon Falls
West Parry Sound Health Centre
Chapleau Health Services is an integrated rural health hub, providing Emergency, Acute, Primary, Outpatient and Long-term Care. The organization also serves the community through programs and services such as, Mental Health and Addictions Services, Community Support Services, and homecare.
For more information:
Marie-Ève Guitard, Executive Assistant
Services de santé de Chapleau Health Services
(705) 864-1520 ext. 3053
Fees Schedule
Click here for schedule of fees for release of information, starting January 1, 2023
SSCHS Honours Staff at Employee Recognition Gala
Services de santé de Chapleau Health Services (SSCHS) hosted a special Employee Recognition gala on Thursday, June 9, 2022 to cap off our Staff Appreciation Week. We presented five new awards this year, based on our organization's key values. Staff were nominated by their peers for exhibiting the values in their everyday work. Congratulations to all the nominees and the winners!
Engagement: The engagement award highlights a person from our team that engages our clients, patients, staff, partner, and stakeholders in our decision making process.
The winner of the engagement award was Simone Keller.
Inclusiveness: The inclusiveness award highlights a person from our team that promotes social inclusion, individual choice, independence, dignity, and individual rights.
The winner of the inclusiveness award was Allison Irwin.
Integrity: The integrity award highlights a person from our team that says what they mean, and means what they say.
The winner of the integrity award was Joelle Anglehart.
Compassion: The compassion award highlights a person from our team that shows concern and care for others in all that they do, and is especially mindful of the needs of our elders.
The winner of the compassion award was Laura Morin.
Health and Safety: The health and safety award highlights a person from our team that cares about the health and safety of patients, clients, and employees.
The winner of the health and safety award was Jean-Louis Nicol.
We also recognized several staff with service awards.
25 Years
- Marcia Leishman
- Brenda Vandal
20 Years
- Joanne Allaire
- Julie Beaulieu
- Isabelle Tremblay
15 Years
- Mario Houle
10 Years
- Gisele Barlow
- Brenda Bernier
- Venessa Collins
- Leanna Frappier
- Laura Guitard
- Sylvianne Pilote
- Heather Richardson
5 Years
- Julie Connelly
- Cindy Frazer
- Melanie Laramée
- Krista Leach
- Laurianne Martel
- Blair Poulin
The past two years have been full of challenges as well as many ups and downs. Everyone has worked hard and worked together to make SSCHS a wonderful organization. We are incredibly proud of our entire team!

SSCHS Achieves Exemplary Standing from Accreditation Canada

(Thursday, February 10, 2022 Chapleau, ON) Services de santé de Chapleau Health Services (SSCHS) achieved Accreditation with Exemplary Standing during its 2021 on-site survey with Accreditation Canada.
What is Accreditation?
Accreditation is a voluntary quality improvement process designed to help healthcare organizations identify what they are doing well and where they need to focus improvement efforts.
The whole organization is involved in accreditation - from front-line staff to volunteers, board members, patients, residents, and families. Accreditation creates stronger teams by increasing communication and collaboration across the spectrum of services.
SSCHS' participation in accreditation demonstrates our commitment to quality, safety, and accountability in health care.
"Taking on Accreditation during a pandemic and not missing a beat is an awe-inspiring accomplishment. I am incredibly proud of our team's hard work and dedication," said Dawn Morissette, SSCHS CEO.
The Accreditation Process
The accreditation process begins with the organization assessing itself against Accreditation Canada standards. Accreditation standards examine various aspects of the organization including governance, leadership, risk management, infection prevention and control, and medication management measures, as well as the quality of care in those areas (home care, rehabilitation, acute care, long-term care, community and public health, mental health and addictions, and labs).
The organization uses the results of the self-assessment to plan quality improvement activities over the months following.
Next is the on-site survey conducted by Accreditation Canada trained peer surveyors who assess the organization against national standards. At the end, the organization receives a final report and an accreditation decision based on the on-site survey.
The accreditation decision stands for four years.
Ongoing Quality Journey
The final report helps the organization understand where they are succeeding and where they need to stretch and grow.
SSCHS recognizes that accreditation is a journey - a continuous process - and that there is always room for improvement. We are committed to quality, safety, and accountability in health care and will use the results of our on-site survey and ongoing self-assessments to continue to make improvements across our organization. What is Accreditation Canada?
What is Accreditation Canada?
Accreditation Canada is a national non-profit independent organization that assesses an organization's performance against a set of national standards. Accreditation Canada has been the country's trusted accreditor for 55 years.
Ontario's Small-Town Vaccine Hunter

When a new COVID-19 vaccination clinic opens in her region, Brenda Vandal goes into action, pulling out her call list and picking up the phone. "I just wanted to make [patients] aware every time there was a new clinic," says Vandal, the secretary for the Foleyet Nursing Station, in northeastern Ontario.
Born and raised in Foleyet, she's been at the nursing station for 25 years and operated as the community's unofficial vaccine hunter since the first clinic nearby opened on March 11 - posting on the nursing station's Facebook page and hanging signs around town advertising the station's social-media channels. Normally at this time of year, the nursing station (housed in a small building and staffed by Vandal and a single nurse practitioner) deals with campers and outfitters, treating such issues as poison-ivy rashes and fish-hook removals. This year, her focus is on her growing call list and helping residents book their appointments. "I made a lot of appointments for the older seniors who are not tech savvy."
Older residents, Vandal says, can't always keep up with online news, and television coverage focuses on southern Ontario, meaning that people in Foleyet are often left confused as to where and when to get a shot. Vandal says it can take upwards of an hour to book over the phone and estimates she's set up appointments for at least 50 people.
Click here for the complete story.
Seventy-Two More Receive First COVID-19 Dose in Chapleau
Seventy-two Chapleau healthcare workers and designated caregivers received their first dose of the COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine this Friday, February 26 in a joint effort Mini mass vaccination clinic that took place at Services de santé de Chapleau Health Services (SSCHS).
"We're very excited. We've been waiting for this. Chapleau is isolated, so this is just another level of protection," said SSCHS Infection Control and Occupational Health Nurse Jennifer Joyal.
Those who received the vaccine are consenting dedicated long-term care staff, designated caregivers of long-term care residents, as well as SSCHS staff and community healthcare workers that fall under highest priority group sequencing.
Planning efforts to bring the COVID-19 vaccine to communities across the Public Health Sudbury and Districts' catchment area are extensive.
As Joyal explains, it takes coordination and cooperation from various community players. All plans are developed then submitted to by Public Health Sudbury and Districts for final approval.
"We've been meeting daily and sometimes twice a day over the past two weeks, attending meetings with the Chapleau Vaccine Implementation Committee, which is made up of various community healthcare partners. The committee has been meeting since early January to begin dialogue in order to coordinate vaccine rollout initiatives. Plans are also underway for additional mini mass and larger scale mass vaccination clinics."
Ontario is currently in Phase 1 of the Ministry of Health's three-phased vaccine distribution implementation plan. Phase 2 of the plan is expected to begin in April 2021, depending on availability of vaccines.
Residents Receive COVID Vaccine at Bignucolo Residence
It was an exciting day at Chapleau Health Services on Tuesday, February 9, when all consenting residents at Bignucolo Residence, along with two staff members, received the first dose of the COVID-19 Moderna vaccine.
"There was a really great energy and mood over all," said Brenda Bernier, Long-Term Care Charge Nurse. "One of the residents told a staff member, 'I'm so excited to get this.'"
Phase One of the vaccination roll out was an 'all hands on deck' process with staff helping from various departments with tasks like filling out paperwork, re-arranging furniture to respect physical distancing, preparing refreshments, portering residents, administering the vaccine, and monitoring for side effects. Two staff members from Chapleau Public Health Sudbury and Districts office also assisted.
"This is an unprecedented effort, requiring extensive planning, coordination with many partners, and the ability to quickly change course to adapt to new circumstances. I know that all involved are motivated by the singular purpose of getting vaccine in arms as soon as possible," said Dr. Penny Sutcliffe, Medical Officer of Health with Public Health Sudbury & Districts.
A total of 1,729 individuals from long-term care homes and high-risk retirement homes in the Sudbury district were immunized with their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine by the provincial target date of February 10.
Second doses are scheduled to take place over the coming weeks in accordance with second dose requirements.
Thank You, Dr. Mitchell!

On behalf of all of us at Services de santé de Chapleau Health Services, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to Dr. Doris Mitchell for all the care, service, and dedication she has offered to our communities over the past eight years!
Dr. Mitchell has covered and cared for our communities 24/7 since 2012, providing care for emerg patients, long-term care residents, hospital inpatients, hospice patients, and home visits. She opened and provided primary care at the Sacred Tree Wellness Centre on Chapleau Cree Fist Nation. She also provided primary care at the Chapleau and District Family Health Team and in Foleyet.
Dr. Mitchell continuously lead education for local health care staff and mentored many medical students over the years, particularly new doctors through the Northern Ontario School of Medicine.
We will miss Dr. Mitchell dearly and wish her all the best in her future endeavours. Thank you!

Unique Door Panels at the Bignucolo Residence
Residents at the Bignucolo Residence are getting their doors personalized with large decal made to look so real it's hard to tell the doors are not completely new. The door panels will help residents distinguish one door from another, and not lose their way. It really changes the whole feel of the environment when you walk through the halls and see that every door looks different, it looks like a real neighbourhood.
Click here for more details.
SSCHS Revamps Senior Transportation Van Program
Services de santé de Chapleau Health Services (SSCHS) was recently approved as a designated Third Party Agency by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care under the Northern Health Travel Grant Program (NHTG). This designation will allow clients of the Senior Transportation Van to sign Section 4 of their Northern Travel Grant for the costs of the travel to be covered directly by the program.
Click here for details.